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Grafton High School

Grafton High School

Enitere Ad Finem - Strive to the End

Telephone02 6642 3355

Year 7 Goal Setting

Goal setting is an important component of students' motivation, self-regulation, and achievement in academic settings. A goal is a behavior or outcome that one is consciously trying to perform or attain. Goal setting refers to the process of establishing that behavior or outcome to serve as the aim of one's actions.

As of 2017, Year 7 Selective Students will set goals for each of  Core Subject. These goals will require students to reflect on their current skills and ability in each subject, determining a level which they hope to achieve in Semester 1, and outlining strategies that will help them achieve their goals.  These goals will be reviewed during Semester 2.

This process will be rolled out to all Selective Students in subsequent years.