Grafton High School values communication with parents and carers.
Parents and carers can access our parent portal in our Sentral Administration and Reporting System. Here you'll find student-specific timetables and attendance data.
It's as easy as downloading the Sentral Parent APP or logging in to the Sentral Parent Portal using a browser on a PC.

The link below provides information directly from Sentral on how to access the Sentral Parent Portal by either downloading the APP or accessing online.
Getting Started
NB: To complete registration linking to your child, you will need an access key provided from Grafton High School. Access Keys are sent out at the start of each year to parents of Year 7 students.
If you are the parent of a new student not in Year 7, please contact the school after you have registered to get an Access Key.
If you have a Sentral Parent Portal Account and have lost your Access Key or have any questions, please contact the school on 02 6642 3355.
Grafton High School Parent Portal