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Grafton High School

Grafton High School

Enitere Ad Finem - Strive to the End

Telephone02 6642 3355

Getting Started

GHS Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program - Getting Started

At GHS we work in the Education Google Domain which is managed by the Department of Education. Google for Education is an integral part of our BYOD program. Students can access their schoolwork online or offline if there is no internet. Google will automagically sync and save when a connection is restored. Chromebooks and Laptops use Chrome Browser to allow students and teachers at GHS to collaborate and share work in real time.

All Chromebooks work on our WiFi system. Most Laptops will work on our system with Chrome Browser downloaded and all MacBooks work seamlessly.

NB: Before you Log in to a new Chromebook, please read our instructions on how to set up a Chromebook for student use.

We also advise to be sure that the following specifications below match the laptop that you are buying.

Minimum Specifications for GHS BYOD Devices

Here are the minimum specifications that we require for devices to work on our system:

  • 11 Inch screen minimum
  • 5GHz Wireless AC or ABGN. (802.11 wireless ABGN will work in both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz.)

NB: Wireless ABGN must contain the letter “A” for this device to work on our system. BGN on its own will not work in the school.

  • 6-8 Hour Battery Life.
  • 8 GB RAM (or better) for Laptops
  • 4 GB RAM (or better) for Chromebooks
  • It is strongly recommended that devices have a protective case.
  • Insurance and Warranty should also be a consideration when purchasing a device.

If you need advice, please do not hesitate to contact our Tech Support at Grafton High School. They will let you know if the device you are considering will work on our system.

Contact Grafton HS PH; (02) 6642 33 55.